God's blessing of sunset over Dorset
God's blessing of sunset over Dorset

We are humbly trying to seek God's blessing on Dorset and help people understand more of the love of God. We believe in working together with all Christian people and the Dorset Christian Fellowship is a member of the Evangelical Alliance of the UK and a Member Church of Churches Together in Dorchester. It is an initiative of the Missionary Training Service which is also member of the Evangelical Alliance and the Evangelical Missionary Alliance (Global Connections). Our mission is to revive the witness of the free churches around Dorset - such as the primitive Quakers, the Brethren Gospel Halls, Primitive Methodists and others. Mr John Gordon, former leader of Bridport Christian Fellowship and now in the Lord's presence, prophesied that we are to re-open up the wells - which we understand that as Isaac re-opened the wells that Abraham had dug and which the Philistines had filled in, we are to help revive a Free Church Evangelical witness around the county of Dorset.

Leaders are currently Mr David Major who was converted dramatically twelve years ago, and Revd. Ian Benson who has been in missionary work since 1979, was ordained presbyter in 1984, and served for 13 years in Chile in South America in the training of Christian ministers. Ian was Associate Directorof the International Missionary Training Network of the World Evangelical Alliance and also ran the Evangelical Training Directory, endorsed by the World Evangelical Alliance as a central database of evangelical training worldwide.

Miraculously, over the last thirty years, there have been large people movements of previously unreached peoples. There are currently some 73 million people who have been converted through such movements. For example, in an island off China, with a population of 8 million people, a missionary couple began evangelising in about 1991. There had only been about 100 Christians on the island when they arrived, but when they left about six years later, there were about 80,000 Christians, and the number has since risen to 800,000. These movements are happening world-wide, in people of many backgrounds - atheists, Buddhists, Muslims and Hindus. The method, perhaps unsurprisingly, has been quite simple: prayer, teaching people the God's message and helping them to obey what God tells them through the Bible, and helping them train other people to do the same. We are endeavouring to promote such Christian discipleship in Dorset. If you would like to participate with us, please contact us.

Expressing our commitment to work with all God's people, we are glad to display the HOPE logo:

Logo of HOPE

HOPE brings churches together in mission together in words and action. The goal is to see individuals and communities in villages, towns and cities throughout the UK transformed by Jesus’s love.

Dorset Christian Fellowship

Christ in All and for All - for Community, Justice, the Environment

The Old Police House

Phone:  01935 835 62
Mobile:  07479 283 759